Good evening GES Families. As we move into winter weather, we are making an important adjustment to our morning drop-off routine by the gym doors to ensure the safety of our students. Due to the salt and slippery conditions on the gym floor, students will no longer be entering the building through the gym doors during morning drop-off. Instead, starting immediately, students will be directed to walk around the building and enter through the main doors near the office which is Door #1. To ensure the safety of all students, we will have adult supervision along the sidewalk as they walk from the drop-off area to the main entrance. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mr. Pahl at
Here is some important information from Gladwin Elementary School regarding next school year.
1. School Year Information Mailing:
At the beginning of August, we will be sending home next school year information to all families. Please be on the lookout for these mailings, which should arrive in your mailbox during the first week of August.
2. Revised School Day Schedule:
We have updated the start and end times for the school day to improve efficiency and accommodate our students' needs. The regular full day of school will now start at 8:10 AM and end at 3:26 PM. Half days of school will begin at 8:10 AM with dismissal at 11:45 AM.
3. School Supply Lists:
Use the following link to access the elementary school supply list for grades Young Fives-2nd Grade. These items are suggested not mandatory. If you cannot provide these items, it is fine. We will have extra materials available if needed.
4. Open House and First Day of School:
We are excited to invite you to our Open House on August 13th from 4:30-6:00 PM. This will be a great opportunity to meet the teachers, tour the school, and get ready for the new school year. Additionally, please mark your calendars for the first day of school on August 19th, which will be a half day of school.
Next week is homecoming week for Gladwin Community Schools. The elementary school is having a fun spirit week that is optional for families to choose to participate in. Fliers will be sent home with the schedule but here is a sneak peak.
Picture Day is tomorrow, September 26th, at the elementary school. We cannot wait to see all the beautiful smiles.
Canned Food Drive
This week our high school is participating in a canned food drive against Clare High School. The elementary school is combining efforts to help our high school collect non-perishable food items and hygiene items. All of the collected goods in Gladwin Schools will go to the Gladwin County Food Pantry. The friendly competition between the two schools will basically come down to having bragging rights and the coveted Food Bowl trophy. Last year, Gladwin High School had a decisive victory over Clare. Gladwin Elementary School will be collecting the non-perishable food items and hygiene items Tuesday through Friday this week. Please have your child bring their items to your child's classroom and the elementary school will get them to the high school. The elementary school class that collects the most items will win a classroom pizza party. Let's work together with the high school the next few days to collect some important goods and have some fun at the same time while collecting some important goods for our community. Thanks for your support.
Attention Gladwin Elementary School Families! The start of the 2023-2024 school year is soon approaching. Please join us at our Open House next Wednesday, August 16 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. The first day of school is August 21 which is a half day with dismissal at 12:45 PM. We look forward to seeing students in the near future.
Good morning elementary families. I want to pass along information about a situation in Beaverton. There was a shooting in Beaverton and although we have no reason to believe there is any danger to our students, out of an abundance of caution we will be operating our buildings in secure mode and will be continuing to cooperate with local law enforcement.
The district is experiencing issues with our phones due to a major outage through the phone carrier. We are unable to make or receive external phone calls. If you need something specific today, please call or text Principal Josh Pahl's cell at 989-233-6190. You are also still able to email us.
Tomorrow is Election Day!
Make sure to return your completed absentee ballot in person to your Clerk’s Office before 8 p.m. tomorrow. Or vote at the polls from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
For the May 2nd election there has been a change in voting location.
All residents of Buckeye, Butman, Heritage, Hay, Sage, Secord, Sherman, Grout, and Gladwin townships, as well as The City of Gladwin will be voting on May 2nd at:
Sacred Heart Activity Center
402 N. Silverleaf
Gladwin, MI 48624
Arthur Township residents will vote at their normal polling location.
Gladwin Community Schools, Headed in the Right Direction!
The school district needs to make up days of schools due to the large number of snow days we had this school year. Attached is the revised school calendar reflecting the added days to the calendar. The last four days of school are different so please check it out. We will be having the last day of school on June 6 with dismissal at 12:45 PM instead of being on June 2.
Here is an informational video on the May 2nd Bond Proposal. This video includes preliminary renderings of what the building will be like if voters approve the bond.
School is back in session tomorrow, April 3rd. We have a 4-day week as we do not have school on Friday, April 7th. This is also a reminder that it is spring and we do ask that families make sure their children are still bringing a coat to school as the temperatures fluctuate quite a bit this time of year.
Just a reminder that next week, March 27-31, we will be on spring break and there will not be school. School is back in session on Monday, April 3. Hope you have a wonderful spring break.
As we get closer to the election, we want to inform everyone how the bond will impact their taxes. To calculate the impact of the bond on your taxes, take the taxable value of your home and multiply it by .0028 to find the annual cost. Be sure to use the taxable value from your Notice of Assessment. I have included the video on how to do this below:
Young Fives and Kindergarten sign-ups for next school year are happening on April 11-13. See the attached flier for more information.
Gladwin Community Schools has an upcoming bond proposal on May 2, 2023, to raise funds to construct a new Junior High School. Information regarding this can be found on the attached flyers. Please reach out to Mr. .Pahl if you have any questions.
We are very excited about the upcoming bond election on May 2 and would like to share some details with you. The video below does a great job of explaining the proposal. Check it out!
Just a reminder that we have a scheduled day off from school for winter break on Monday, February 13th, so school will be back in session on Tuesday, February 14th. Stay safe and see you next week.
There is a mobile food distribution happening today at the bus garage from 10:00 am to 1 pm. Anyone is welcome to come get food. Please follow the posted signage and stay in your vehicle. Food will be brought to your car by one of the varsity basketball players. Thanks IBEW 692 for helping out the Gladwin Community!
Here is information on the upcoming Daddy Daughter Dance on Saturday, February 18, 2023. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Pahl, Gladwin Elementary School principal, at