Career Pathways

Flying G Community, we need you!

Do you enjoy your career (or college, or training program)? 
Do you wish young folks knew more about how to take the career direction you took? 
What wisdom could you share with a student who is about to graduate?
Are you ready to inspire the class of 2023?
Join us for our Flying G Career Guest Panels at Gladwin High School
On Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13 and 14, Gladwin High School will be hosting alumni days to help current seniors navigate life after graduation. We are looking for folks (Flying G alumni or otherwise), of any age and from all kinds of career and training fields, to come share wisdom from their lives after high school and answer student questions. No formal presentations are needed. Guests would pick one day or the other and, ideally, would be at GHS from 8:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. (lunch provided). 
Guests need to submit a district volunteer form (available at the Gladwin Schools website, community tab) by December 7 to Mandi Zaborowski, Gladwin Schools' Business Director at Please contact senior English teacher Dale Bragg ( at GHS to let him know when you can join us. 
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate our Flying G community!