Bedtime Stories with Santa is canceled. It is rescheduled for Thursday, 12/12, 5-6:30pm. The Book Fair will remain open all day tomorrow. It is unavailable next week. Feel free to pop in and visit the book fair tomorrow. Thank you for understanding.
Skyward is down so no email to parents. The book fair is all week. Pajama Day Thursday. Bedtime Stories with Santa is Thursday starting at 5pm. Lunch for tomorrow is Beef Sloppy Joe TOTchos w/ a breadstick or a blueberry muffin fun lunch w/ raisins, Goldfish crackers, string cheese, & yogurt.
It has been brought to my attention that there will be NO SPARKS tomorrow (Thursday), November 21, 2024.
Good afternoon. I just wanted to let you know the can food drive is going well. We are still well below our school goal of 2,000 cans but I'm sure our GIS students will meet the goal. If we meet our goal, I'll be duct taped to the wall with pies in my face. Reminder tomorrow is hat day. Thanks for all you do.
Today we had a lockdown drill. Students and staff did a great job. Tomorrow will be Detroit Tigers Day. If students do not have Tigers attire, colors include navy, orange, white, and/or gray. Go Tigers!
Tomorrow, 8/29, GIS will be wearing Hawaiian shirts or bright colors tomorrow. There is no school Friday (8/30) or Monday (9/2).
Good evening. In addition to blue and white day tomorrow, students and staff may also choose to wear green and white or those other colors as Michigan State and Michigan play basketball against each other Saturday. Have a great night.
Just a reminder tomorrow is Goals and Goodies at Gladwin Intermediate. 4th grade: 8:30-9:15, 5th Grade: 9:25-10:10, and 3rd Grade: 10:20-11:05. We look forward to seeing you.
W, 1/3: Orange Chicken with Fried Rice OR Cracker, Grape & Cheese Fun Lunch-broccoli, assorted fruit, and choice of milk
TH, 1/4: Spaghetti& meatballs with Homemade Sauce OR Build your own Pizza Fun Lunch-seasoned peas, assorted fruit, and choice of milk
F, 1/5: Boneless Wings OR Mixed Berry Smoothie w/ Granola Bowl
Reminder that the GIS Christmas assembly will begin at 9am. Doors will not open until 8:50am so we can finish getting ready and bring chairs in. We'll see you then.
We are accepting Christmas Kindness donations through 12/15. The Book Fair is open tomorrow until 6:30pm. Tomorrow is also our Reading night from 5-6:30pm.
Reminder tomorrow and Friday are half days with a 12:45 dismissal. There is a change in the menu tomorrow: Bosco-cheese stuffed breadstick, pizza sauce, and seasoned corn. Stay warm.
Our fundraiser may be arriving today. If it arrives, your child may be bringing it home. If there are multiple boxes, you'll probably want to come in and pick them up in the next day or so. Thanks for everything.
There is a gas leak at the High School so GIS will be dismissing at 10:45am today. Can food drive assembly is Monday.
GIS participated with law enforcement in a lockdown drill today. Staff was prepared and students did well. Please remind your students to follow adult directions and remain quiet. Tomorrow ends our annual Red Ribbon Week can food drive. We'll count donations until 11:30am. We are currently short. Have a great day!
I saw many cans being brought in this morning. We are still many cans away from our goal. We can do it. Tomorrow is crazy sock day.
Good afternoon. Just reminding GIS families of our annual food drive. Our school goal is 2,000 cans. If we reach that goal, Mr. Randle will be eating GIS stew. Can collecting will be taking place until noon this Friday. We appreciate your continued support.
GIS Cross Country Update: Due to a schedule change with JH runners, the new GIS start date is Tuesday, September 12th.
Welcome to GIS! Doors open at 7:50am. You'll be able to walk your student/s to class the first day. Please exit doors by 8:15am. Remind your student to eat breakfast. Both breakfast & lunch are free. We'll dismiss at 12:45pm. Please be patient with dismissal. We will not allow students to exit the building until all buses are lined up. Thanks for all you do. We look forward to a great year!
A friendly reminder that our Open House is 4-5pm. Staff are actively participating in school professional development until 3pm. From 3-4pm they'll be focused on preparing for your arrival. Doors will open at 4pm. We look forward to seeing you then.